Thursday, May 14, 2015

Quilling Basics - 2 : Basic Shapes


Today I will be sharing, the basic shapes that are made in quilling. There are 4 most commonly used shapes which are
  1. Tight coil
  2. Loose coil
  3. Leaf
  4. Tear Drop

Apart from these there are several shapes like heart, square, oval, triangle, etc.

Lets Begin:

  1. Tight Coil
a. Take one end of a strip of quilling paper  and insert it into a slotted quilling tool.
b. Hold the paper with one hand and the quilling tool with the other hand.
c. Start turning the tool to roll the strip of paper.

d. Put a bit of tension on the paper so that it does not come loose.
e. Keep turning the tool until the other end of the quilling paper becomes very short.

f. With a toothpick, apply a little bit of glue on the paper to stick it to the coil and hold the shape in place.
g. To make bigger coils, join several strips of quilling paper together to get a long strip of paper.
h. To make multi-coloured tight coils, use several quilling paper strips of different colours joined together.

 2.     Loose Coil
 a. Make a tight coil as above.
 b. Keep turning the quilling tool until it reaches the other end of the quilling paper. Carefully remove the coil from the tool and let it unwind a little to make a loose coil. 

3. Leaf/Marquee
a. Make a loose coil as above.
b. Stick the end with glue
c. Pinch two opposite sides of the coil – simultaneously with both hands – to make a leaf shape.

4. Tear Drop
a. Make a loose coil as above.
b. Stick the end with glue
c. Pinch one side of the coil to make a tear drop shape. 
d. You can join two teardrops to make a heart.

There are many shapes that can be made by pinching various sides of a loose coil. Below are a few charts of basic shapes that I found on google. 

That's all for now. Will be back with more quilling lessons soon. 

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